የላቀ ቁሳቁሶች, የተሻሉ ኑሮ
For current time, we have two production factories in Shandong Province. 30,000 ካሬ ሜትር ስፋት ይሸፍናል, እናም ከ 100 ሰዎች በላይ ሠራተኞች አሉት, ከእነዚህ ውስጥ 10 ሰዎች የከፍተኛ መሐንዲሶች ናቸው. We have established a production line suitable for research, pilot test, and mass production, and also established two labs, and one testing center. We test each lot of product before delivery to make sure we provide good quality product to our customer.
እኛ ሁልጊዜ ደንበኞቻችንን ማቆሚያ መግቢያ እና እንዲሁም የቴክኖሎጂ መፍትሄን ለማቅረብ እንፈልጋለን.