Barium metal 99.9%




Chinese Name. Barium; Barium metal
English Name. Barium  
Molecular formula. Ba  
Molecular weight. 137.33  
CAS No.: 7440-39-3  
RTECS No.: CQ8370000  
UN No.: 1400 (barium and barium metal)
Dangerous Goods No. 43009  
IMDG Rule Page: 4332  




Appearance and Properties. Lustrous silvery-white metal, yellow when containing nitrogen, slightly ductile. Malleable, odorless
Main uses. Used in the manufacture of barium salt, also used as degassing agent, ballast and degassing alloy.
UN: 1399 (barium alloy)
UN: 1845 (barium alloy, spontaneous combustion)
Melting point. 725
Boiling point. 1640
Relative density (water=1). 3.55  
Relative density (air=1). No information available
Saturated vapor pressure (kPa): No information available
Solubility. Insoluble in common solvents. The
Critical temperature (°C).  
Critical pressure (MPa):  
Combustion heat (kj/mol): No information available







Conditions for avoidance of exposure. Contact with air.  
Flammability. Flammable
Building Code Fire Hazard Classification. A
Flash Point (℃). No information available
Self-ignition temperature (°C). No information available
Lower explosive limit (V%): No information available
Upper explosive limit (V%): No information available
Hazardous characteristics. It has high chemical reaction activity and can spontaneously combust when heated above its melting point. It can react strongly with oxidizing agent and cause combustion or explosion. Reacts with water or acid to release hydrogen and heat, which can cause combustion. It can react violently with fluorine and chlorine. The
Combustion (decomposition) products. Barium oxide. The
Stability. Unstable
Polymerization hazards. There can be no  
Contraindications. Strong oxidizing agents, oxygen, water, air, halogens, bases, acids, halides. , and
Fire extinguishing methods. Sandy soil, dry powder. Water is prohibited. Foam is prohibited. If the substance or contaminated fluid enters a waterway, notify downstream users with potential water contamination, notify local health and fire officials and pollution control authorities. The following is a list of the most common types of contaminated fluids
Packaging and storage and transportation Hazard Category. Class 4.3 Wet flammable articles
Classified information on hazardous chemicals Substances and mixtures which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases, category 2

Skin corrosion/irritation, Category 2

Serious eye damage/eye irritation, category 2

Harm to the aquatic environment - long term harm, category 3

Dangerous goods package marking. 10  
Package Type. Ⅱ  
Storage and transportation precautions. Store in a dry, clean room. Keep relative humidity below 75%. Keep away from fire and heat. Protect from direct sunlight. Keep container sealed. Handle in argon gas. Store in separate compartments with oxidizers, fluorine and chlorine. When handling, load and unload gently to prevent damage to the package and container. It is not suitable for transportation in rainy days.

ERG Guide: 135 (Barium alloy, self igniting)
138 (barium, barium alloy, barium metal)
ERG Guide Classification: 135: Spontaneous combustible substances
138: Water-reactive substance (emits flammable gases)

toxicological hazards Exposure Limits. China MAC: no standard
Soviet MAC: no standard
TWA; ACGIH 0.5mg/m3
American STEL: no standard
OSHA: TWA: 0.5mg/m3 (calculated by barium)
Route of invasion. Ingested
Toxicity. First Aid.
Spontaneous combustion articles (135): Move the patient to a place with fresh air for medical treatment. If the patient stops breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Remove and isolate contaminated clothing and shoes. If the skin or eyes contact the substance, immediately flush it with water for at least 20 minutes. Keep the patient warm and quiet. Ensure that medical personnel understand the personal protection knowledge related to this substance and pay attention to their own protection.
React with water (emit flammable gas) (138): Move the patient to a place with fresh air for medical treatment. If the patient stops breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Remove and isolate contaminated clothing and shoes. If the skin or eyes contact the substance, immediately flush it with water for at least 20 minutes. Keep the patient warm and quiet. Ensure that medical personnel understand the personal protection knowledge related to this substance and pay attention to their own protection.
Health Hazards. Barium metal is almost non-toxic. Soluble barium salts such as barium chloride, barium nitrate, etc., can be ingested and cause serious poisoning, with symptoms of digestive tract irritation, progressive muscle paralysis, myocardial involvement, low blood potassium, and so on. Inhalation of large amounts of soluble barium compounds can cause acute barium poisoning, the performance is similar to oral poisoning, but the digestive reaction is lighter. Long-term exposure to barium. Workers with long-term exposure to barium compounds may suffer from salivation, weakness, shortness of breath, swelling and erosion of oral mucosa, rhinitis, tachycardia, increased blood pressure and hair loss. Long-term inhalation of insoluble barium compounds can cause barium pneumoconiosis.
Health hazard (blue): 1
Flammability (red): 4
Reactivity (yellow): 3
Special hazards: water


Skin contact. Rinse with running water. Rinse with running water
Eye contact. Immediately lift the eyelids and rinse with running water. Rinse with running water
Inhalation. Remove from scene to fresh air. Perform artificial respiration if necessary. Seek medical attention. ,
Ingestion. When the patient is awake, give plenty of warm water, induce vomiting, wash the stomach with warm water or 5% sodium sulfate solution, and induce diarrhea. Seek medical attention. The patient should be treated by a doctor




Engineering control. Confined operation. The
Respiratory protection. Generally, no special protection is required. When the concentration is higher than NIOSH REL or REL has not been established, at any detectable concentration: self-contained positive pressure full mask respirator, air supplied positive pressure full mask respirator supplemented by auxiliary self-contained positive pressure respirator. Escape: air purifying full face respirator (gas mask) equipped with steam filter box, and self-contained escape respirator.
Eye Protection. Safety masks may be used. The
Protective clothing. Wear work clothes.  
Hand protection. Wear protective gloves if necessary.  
Other. Smoking is strictly prohibited at the work site. Pay attention to personal cleanliness and hygiene. The
Spill disposal. Isolate the leaking contaminated area, set up warning signs around it and cut off the source of fire. Don't touch the leaked material directly, prohibit spraying water directly to the leaked material, and don't let the water enter into the packing container. Collect in a dry, clean and covered container and transfer for recycling.
Environmental Information.
EPA hazardous waste code: D005
Resource protection and recovery law: Article 261.24, Toxicity characteristics, the maximum concentration level specified in the regulations is 100.0mg/L.
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act: Section 261, Toxic substances or not otherwise provided for.
Resource protection and recovery method: the maximum concentration limit level of surface water is 1.0mg/L.
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA): Wastes prohibited from land storage.
Resource protection and recovery method: general standard wastewater treatment 1.2mg/L; Non liquid waste 7.6mg/kg
Resource protection and recovery method: recommended method of surface water monitoring list (PQL μ g/L) 6010 (20); 7080(1000)。
Safe drinking water method: maximum pollution level (MCL) 2mg/L; Maximum pollution level target (MCLG) of safe drinking water method is 2mg/L.
Emergency plan and community right to know law: Section 313 Table R, the minimum reportable concentration is 1.0%.
Marine pollutants: Code of Federal Regulations 49, Subclause 172.101, Index B. 


Post time: Jun-13-2024