What are the top 37 metals that 90% of people don’t know about?

1. The purest metal
Germanium: Germanium purified by regional melting technology, with a purity of "13 nines" (99.99999999999%)

2. The most common metal

Aluminum: Its abundance accounts for about 8% of the Earth's crust, and aluminum compounds are found everywhere on Earth. Ordinary soil also contains a lot of aluminum oxide

3. The least amount of metal
Polonium: The total amount in the Earth's crust is extremely small.

4. The lightest metal
Lithium: equivalent to half the weight of water, it can float not only on the surface of water, but also in kerosene.

5. The most difficult to melt metal
Tungsten: Melting point is 3410 ℃, boiling point is 5700 ℃. When the electric light is on, the temperature of the filament reaches over 3000 ℃, and only tungsten can withstand such high temperatures. China is the world's largest tungsten storage country, mainly consisting of scheelite and scheelite.

6. The metal with the lowest melting point
Mercury: Its freezing point is -38.7 ℃.

7. The metal with the highest yield
Iron: Iron is the metal with the highest annual production, with global crude steel production reaching 1.6912 billion tons in 2017. Meanwhile, iron is also the second most abundant metallic element in the Earth's crust

8. The metal that can absorb gases the most
Palladium: At room temperature, one volume of palladium metal can absorb 900-2800 volumes of hydrogen gas.

9. The best exhibiting metal
Gold: 1 gram of gold can be pulled into a 4000 meter long filament; If hammered into gold foil, the thickness can reach 5 × 10-4 millimeters.  

10. The metal with the best ductility
Platinum: The thinnest platinum wire has a diameter of only 1/5000mm.

11. The metal with the best conductivity
Silver: Its conductivity is 59 times that of mercury.

12. The most abundant metal element in the human body
Calcium: Calcium is the most abundant metal element in the human body, accounting for approximately 1.4% of the body's mass.

13. The top ranked transition metal
Scandium: With an atomic number of only 21, scandium is the top ranked transition metal

14. The most expensive metal
Californium (k ā i): In 1975, the world provided only about 1 gram of californium, with a price of around 1 billion US dollars per gram.  

15. The most easily applicable superconducting element
Niobium: When cooled to an ultra-low temperature of 263.9 ℃, it will deteriorate into a superconductor with almost no resistance.  

16. The heaviest metal
Osmium: Each cubic centimeter of osmium weighs 22.59 grams, and its density is about twice that of lead and three times that of iron.

17. The metal with the lowest hardness
Sodium: Its Mohs hardness is 0.4, and it can be cut with a small knife at room temperature.

18. The metal with the highest hardness
Chromium: Chromium (Cr), also known as the "hard bone", is a silver white metal that is extremely hard and brittle. The Mohs hardness is 9, second only to diamond.

19. The earliest metal used
Copper: According to research, the earliest bronze ware in China has a history of over 4000 years.

20. The metal with the largest liquid range
Gallium: Its melting point is 29.78 ℃ and boiling point is 2205 ℃.  

21. The metal that is most prone to generating current under illumination
Cesium: Its main use is in the production of various phototubes.

22. The most active element in alkaline earth metals
Barium: Barium has a high chemical reactivity and is the most active among alkaline earth metals. It was not classified as a metallic element until 1808.

23. The metal that is most sensitive to cold
Tin: When the temperature is below -13.2 ℃, tin begins to break; When the temperature drops below -30 to -40 ℃, it immediately turns into powder, a phenomenon commonly known as "tin epidemic"

24. The most toxic metal to humans
Plutonium: Its carcinogenicity is 486 million times that of arsenic, and it is also the strongest carcinogen. 1 × 10-6 grams of plutonium can cause cancer in humans.

25. The most abundant radioactive element in seawater
Uranium: Uranium is the largest radioactive element stored in seawater, estimated to be 4 billion tons, which is 1544 times the amount of uranium stored on land.

26. The element with the highest content in seawater
Potassium: Potassium exists in the form of potassium ions in seawater, with a content of about 0.38g/kg, making it the most abundant element in seawater.

27. The metal with the highest atomic number among stable elements

Lead: Lead has the highest atomic number among all stable chemical elements. There are four stable isotopes in nature: lead 204, 206, 207, and 208.

28. The most common human allergenic metals
Nickel: Nickel is the most common allergenic metal, and about 20% of people are allergic to nickel ions.

29. The most important metal in aerospace
Titanium: Titanium is a gray transition metal characterized by light weight, high strength, and good corrosion resistance, and is known as the "space metal".

30. The most acid resistant metal
Tantalum: It does not react with hydrochloric acid, concentrated nitric acid, and aqua regia under both cold and hot conditions. The thickness corroded in concentrated sulfuric acid at 175 ℃ for one year is 0.0004 millimeters.

31. Metal with the smallest atomic radius
Beryllium: Its atomic radius is 89pm.

32. The most corrosion-resistant metal
Iridium: Iridium has extremely high chemical stability to acids and is insoluble in acids. Only sponge like iridium slowly dissolves in hot aqua regia. If iridium is in a dense state, even boiling aqua regia cannot corrode it.

33. The metal with the most unique color
Copper: Pure metallic copper is purple red in color

34. Metals with the highest isotopic content
Tin: There are 10 stable isotopes

35. The heaviest alkali metal
Francium: Derived from the decay of actinium, it is a radioactive metal and the heaviest alkali metal with a relative atomic mass of 223.

36. The Last Metal Discovered by Humans
Rhenium: Supermetallic rhenium is a truly rare element, and it does not form a fixed mineral, usually coexisting with other metals. This makes it the last element discovered by humans in nature.

37. The most unique metal at room temperature
Mercury: At room temperature, metals are in a solid state, and only mercury is the most unique. It is the only liquid metal at room temperature.

Post time: Sep-11-2024