Facoty kupereka 99% Iron kloride/Ferride chloride hexahydrate CAS 10025-77-1

Kufotokozera Kwachidule:

1. Product Name: Iron chloride/Ferride chloride hexahydrate
2. CAS No 10025-77-1
3. Maonekedwe: mchenga wachikasu mpaka lalanje, mtanda kapena semisphere olimba
4 Chiyero: 99%

Tsatanetsatane wa Zamalonda

Zolemba Zamalonda

Kupereka facoty 99%Iron kloridi/Ferric chloridehexahydrate CAS10025-77-1

MF: Cl3FeH12O6

MW: 270.3

EINECS: 600-047-2

Kalasi ya ngozi 8

Packing Gulu III

HS kodi 28273300

Kupereka facoty99% Iron kloridi/Ferric chloridehexahydrate CAS10025-77-1




kristalo wa mchenga wachikasu kapena lalanje

Zamkatimu (FeCl2.6H2O)


Insolubles m'madzi


Asidi Waulere (HCL)


Sulfate (SO42-)


Nitrate (NO3-)


Phosphate (PO4)


Manganese (Mn)


Mkuwa (Cu)


Mwala (Fe2+)


Zinc (Zn)


Arsenic (As)


Kupereka facoty99% Iron kloridi/Ferric chloride hexahydrate CAS 10025-77-1

Ferric Chloride ndi chloride wa Iron (III) mawonekedwe. Ili ndi mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya ntchito. M'makampani, angagwiritsidwe ntchito poyeretsa zimbudzi ndi kupanga madzi akumwa (mwachitsanzo, kugwiritsidwa ntchito pochotsa arsenic); amagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati leaching wothandizira mu chloride hydrometallurgy; kwa etching mkuwa mu magawo awiri redox zimachitikira mkuwa (I) kolorayidi kenako mkuwa kolorayidi popanga kusindikizidwa matabwa dera; monga chothandizira kuti kaphatikizidwe wa ethylene dichloride ku zimene ethylene ndi klorini. Mu labotale, nthawi zambiri amagwiritsidwa ntchito ngati Lewis acid pothandizira zinthu monga chlorination of onunkhira mankhwala ndi Friedel-Crafts reaction of aromatics. Mayeso a ferric chloride angagwiritsidwe ntchito ngati mayeso amtundu wamtundu wa phenols. Ferric chloride ingagwiritsidwenso ntchito kuti mudziwe kuchuluka kwa mafuta m'thupi ndi cholesterol esters. Pankhani ya matenda, imatha kugwiritsidwa ntchito kuyambitsa arterial thrombosis pakufufuza kwa thrombosis. Itha kugwiritsidwanso ntchito pochotsa utoto wamtundu wa disperse ndi reactive dye solutions.

Ferric Chloride 4

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